Saturday, October 30, 2010

"She was known for her extreme secrecy"

tonight is the opening for Bad Dad's over in San Fran. I would really love to be there.
I have so much respect for those people who give 110% in what they do. And Ken Harman is one of those people. Im very grateful to be part of this show.

so here is my other piece for the show.
"Those aren't mine" - 20x24 - oil on canvas

who dosent love Margot Tenenbaum? What a great character.
And Gwyneth Paltrow is so beautiful, so that helps too.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


one thing I really dislike about painting everyday, is cleaning my brushes every night. I dont know why but it annoys me greatly. But I do it anyway, every single night.

heres a little sneak peak of a piece I just finished.
most paintings Ive been doing lately have been spontaneous. I'll start with a basic thought and see where it goes once I put brush to canvas. I like it, there are no disappointments and I feel like Im not straining to keep it like I see it in my head.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Christ in the garden

one of my most favorite paintings.
It has had so much influence over me then I ever realized growing up, and in so many different ways.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


my sister has always kept my drawings I made for her while we were growing up. She keeps them in a old trapper keeper Garfield folder which is awesome. So sometimes when I go to her house I ask for the folder to look through and laugh.
this one is one of the best. We get a good chuckle with this one.

I need to find more.

Friday, October 15, 2010

"do you ever wish you could breathe underwater?"

well my 2 "Bad Dads" pieces are currently on their way to California. Safe journeys.
Its pretty nerve wracking to ship these things you've worked on for months. I end up paying a ton on shipping to make sure they get there safely and quickly.
here is one piece. I will post the other closer to the show.

"Blue Star Cadet" - 22x28

Detail of the Belefonte and Deep search.
there is something very childlike about "The Life Aquactic", minus all the cursing.

side note: I spent most of my time as a child playing by myself. I loved making up these big stories with my toys. Id play my records and sit in my room for hours. This obviously has had an effect on my painting subject matter. Who would of thought being lonely would help out later.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

city mouse

we went up north this past weekend to visit friends. It was a nice mini break.
Its dosent seem right when you are most looking forward to seeing stars in the sky and breathing in clean air.

now its back to city smog and dissecting my time.

will have images of both my Wes Anderson pieces tomorrow.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy October

FACT: October is the best month of the year.

also Im finishing up my Wes Anderson pieces another sneak peak soon.